
He was born to Ssekabaka Daudi Ccwa and Irene Drussila Namaganda of the Nte clan on the 11-19-1924 and his Royal sisters were Lwantale and Elizabeth Nakabire. His Twin was Musajjatawutta, his Home (Nnyumba) was called Muzibwazaalampanga and his Jjembe was Siimuwuune. He ruled from 1939 to 1969 and his Prime Ministers were Wamala of the Mmamba clan, Michael (Mikayiri) Kawaga Kaggwa who was son to Sir Apollo Kaggwa of the Nseenene clan, Paul (Pawulo) Kavuma of the Ngo clan and Joash Mayanja Nkangi of the Mutima clan. He took over power when he was still a student at Buddo and was only 15 years of age.

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