General African Archives
Ancient History     

Because of their height and gangly appearance one would expect Rothschild giraffes to be slow and clumsy especially when you see them walk slowly through the savannah; but that is not the case. These giraffes are quite steady and fast. They are one of the fastest species of animals and can reach a top speed of about 56km/hr (35mph) when running across open ground. When travelling longer distances they can move at about 16km/hour (10mph).

Ancient History

The Nile is formed by three principal streams: the Blue Nile (Arabic: Al-Baḥr Al-Azraq; Amharic: Abay) and the Atbara (Arabic: Nahr ʿAṭbarah), which flow from the highlands of Ethiopia, and the White Nile (Arabic: Al-Baḥr Al-Abyad), the headstreams of which flow into Lakes Victoria and Albert.

One who makes friends is better than one who quarrels.